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i’ve never heard of sell my art before - tell me what you offer
we have prepared a short & very engaging video that lasts only 90 seconds that will give you a great overview. you can also view the ‘how we work’ section on our website www.sellmyarworks.com
why should I use sell my art ?
if you have an artwork of value you’d like to sell, you currently have two options; an auction house who really aren’t super-interested unless the artwork is valued at around £50,000 or more OR an online auction site and we believe that valuable art is unlikely to be traded on online auction sites due to a lack of trust

sell my art will help sellers with artwork of around £1,000 up to £100,000+; we’ll advise them on value and reassure them on a realistic sales price using our professional knowledge. for buyers, we can be trusted to offer quality, legitimate artwork with provenance.

is sell my art a legitimate company ?
sell my art is the trading name of sellify limited, a legitimate company founded & registered in august 2019 in Scotland, UK with the registration number SC638783. sellify limited is recognised by HMRC for corporation tax and vat (vat registration number is 333 8857 72)
why is the website address www.sellmyartworks.com but the website says sell my art ?
sell my art is our trading name; it is our business and the name we want to be known by. unfortunately, someone else owns www.sellmyart.com and although they don’t use it, they won’t let us have it so we have the next best website name and that is, we think, www.sellmyartworks.com
what credentials does sell my art have in selling pre-owned art ?
one of the founders has been a very successful dealer in art for over 30 years. he runs a chain of art galleries, is a publisher of successful modern art and agent for a number of artists.

we have art consultants with lengthy experience in the art world who will help & advise at every step.

we have not advertised heavily but have already sold a number or pieces of artwork (from £900 up to and including a piece for £26,000) and our customers from both our seller community and buyer community have been delighted (references available here [link]).

what commission does sell my art charge ?
significantly lower than established national & regional auction houses. the buyer will pay a 12.5% finders fee and the seller will pay a 12.5% seller fee. sell my art prices as advertised include all fees so a buyer knows exactly what they’ll pay.

consider this … a buyer who agrees to pay £10,000 for an artwork purchased from sell my art will pay £10,000 and the seller will receive approximately 65%+ of what the buyer pays. compare that to an auction house, a buyer who agrees to pay £10,000 for an artwork will actually pay out (well who knows as auction house fees are opaque) but we’ve calculated well over £13,000 in some cases and the seller gets a paltry 40-45%.

how does sell my art work ?
sell my art works, it really works ! and, hey, even the name of our website www.sellmyartworks.com spells that out. we have prepared a short video of the sales process [click here]

it’s simple, if you have a piece of artwork you want to sell, give us some details on the simple online form and one of our art consultants will get back to you really quickly to let you know if we can help. if we’re happy and you’re happy, for the small fee of £95 plus vat (will be restricted to £50 plus vat if the artwork is valued under £2,000) our art consultant will use their expertise to establish what your art is worth and guide you to a realistic sales price. if you’re happy with that we’ll market it for you on our website and to the 15,000 or so clients that we have preferences for that we have on our database

it’s affordable, we really believe our business model is new & refreshing with the seller receiving around 65% of what the buyer actually pays (compared to around 40-45% at auction and, of course, at auction a buyer doesn’t know what he’ll pay until all those pesky fees & charges are added to the hammer price)

sell my art is about sellers and buyers being fully in control at all times

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