james mcnaught rsw rgi

artist biography

james mcnaught was born in glasgow in 1948. the son of two carpet designers, he grew up drawing and painting; he recalls his first experience with a painting being when he saw a picasso, becoming determined that the subject was his mother. this early appreciation of picasso’s work can be found in mcnaught’s own art, perhaps especially in his curious and fanciful portraits.

mcnaught developed his own skills and technique as he grew up, though never attaining a formal qualification throughout school. this determination led to his acceptance to the glasgow school of art in 1966. he worked as an art teacher for some time, but after retiring, was able to paint full time and reach higher levels of recognition and success.

now a member of the rsa, rgi and rsw, mcnaught has gained a large following of admirers and collectors for his unusual and thought-provoking works.

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